You are Worthy…
“You is smart, you is kind, you is important”~ The Help
Many people are stuck in the same position, relationship, location, all because they don’t feel worthy. Life is about growth, the mistakes of your past do not determine your future. Everyone has struggled with, fought through, and overcame something. What sets us apart is the attitude in which we approach life.
You have to admit, accept and adjust. Admit that things didn’t go as planned, admit you’re hurt by the outcome, admit you made poor choices. Accept that something different needs to be done, accept your role in the matter, accept that you can’t go back and change anything or anyone. Then you must adjust, focus on the things you can control and the only person you can change.
Knowing that you deserve better is the first step and when you know better, do better. You should not depend on anyone to treat you better than you treat yourself. You are the only person responsible for your happiness.
No matter what happened, no matter what was done to you and no matter what “they” say…”you is smart, you is kind, you is important” You are Worthy!!!