Don’t Abort the Process…
So boom, check it…. While my phone was charging, I decided that I needed to use it. Well, when I went to unplug the phone, it wasn’t fully charged but it was showing the battery was at 98%.
My first thought was to go ahead and unplug the phone because it was ALMOST FULLY CHARGED. But then I heard the Holy Spirit say, a full recovery is necessary in order to move forward.
You see, many of you start the healing/recovery process and then as soon as you start to “feel” better, you stop working towards your recovery. As soon as you feel that thing is behind you, you stop working on the root issue that lead you to that place.
But God is saying, DON’T ABORT THE PROCESS. It is necessary so that you can FULLY walk into the place where He is trying to take you. You can’t move forward until you heal/recover from the trauma, the pain, the abandonment, or whatever your “it” is that left you wounded.
KeepSwimming #trusttheprocess #TrustGod #TrustGodsPlan
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