The Journey…Day 7, 8, and 9

Life’s riches are not measured by material possessions…

I’m wealthy because my riches are stored up in relationships.  Those who deposit love, knowledge, wisdom, and time have ensured that I will never go broke.  As you go through life, you learn to spend more time appreciating the positive people in your life and ignoring the negative ones.  Those who deposit negativity have a purpose in your life but you should never reserve them a place.  The power of prayer can turn a negative into a positive so, keep praying and keep moving.

My chorus for today: “Count on me through thick and thin, a friendship that will never end. When you are weak, I will be strong.  Helping you to carry on.  Call on me, I will be there.  Don’t be afraid, please believe me when I say count on….”~Waiting to Exhale

My circle rocks!!!